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Milestone reached: 30 years of MMG Aluminium AG

After many weeks of planning and preparation, the time had finally come on 11 April 2024: the celebration of our 30th company anniversary was just around the corner. A day all employees had been looking forward to with great anticipation. Preparations had been in full swing until everything was ready for the big open house party on our company premises on the morning of 11 April.

The first MMG shuttles with guests arrived early in the afternoon for a champagne reception. Suppliers, customers, service providers, old companions and of course friends and family travelled a long way to celebrate this special day with us.

The weather was also on our side: After a cloudy, stormy morning, the skies cleared up and allowed for a warm and sunny afternoon. Günter Strobel, MMG's CEO, welcomed the guests on stage, followed by further speeches, including one from Mayen's Lord Mayor Dirk Meid, who presented our CEO with the City of Mayen's Golden Badge of Honour.

While entertainment was provided on and off the stage, guests were able to enjoy cool drinks and tasty food such as the MMG burger or salmon from the smoker at the food trucks.

Our three fluffy alpacas Apache, Gismo and Armani provided some great moments and were equally popular with our younger and older guests. The MMG table soccer was also regularly visited and provided hot duels, which were then cooled down again at the ice cream stand. A photo box with many props contributed to the cheerful atmosphere and allowed for one or two snapshots in the guest book.

A special surprise awaited the guests in the afternoon: a vocal performance by the staff in the form of a creative cover of Helene Fischer's ‘Atemlos’, which brought bright smiles to the faces of the audience.

After lively conversations, varied entertainment and delicious culinary highlights, we are very grateful for this unforgettable day and the great guests who spent it with us.

We sincerely thank all our companions and look forward to continuing our journey together.

A wonderfully animal-filled excursion with a culinary ending

Company outing to the Hirschbach Alpacas

On Friday, September 1, 2023, our company outing began with an initially unknown destination and bad weather. Five of the colleagues knew the schedule for the day, but they kept the suspense until the last moment. We took the bus in the morning to Ahrbrück. There, the Hirschbach Alpacas awaited us, with whom we were allowed to spend part of the day. During the hike, a wine tasting took place, and halfway through, our physical well-being was taken care of. Among other things, there were many small delicacies, and a barbecue was even prepared for us. Meanwhile, the alpacas were also treated to refreshments. In advance, we decided to sponsor three alpacas together, to participate collectively.

Refreshed and satisfied, we continued to Ahrweiler. There, we participated in an interesting guided tour focused on the flood and the reconstruction of the city. Finally, we headed to the final part of the day, which everyone was most looking forward to. In the evening, we arrived at a fine restaurant, where we spent the evening enjoying exquisite food and local wine.

We highly recommend a visit to the Hirschbach Alpacas to all readers.

Participant Voices - IHK Akademie Koblenz e.V.

Lukas Wicha, participant in the seminar "Memory and Concentration Training," is undergoing training as an industrial clerk at MMG Aluminium AG in Mayen

„I have realized that there are many different learning methods and techniques to learn more efficiently. The numerous practical examples and exercises have also helped me. To integrate even more structure into my everyday work, I will remember the concentration techniques for my profession. Because of this, I can highly recommend the seminar, especially to vocational school students, but also to working professionals of all ages, because concentration is important for working efficiently.“

Cooperation Alcoa with MMG

Alcoa and MMG are linked in a long-standing collaboration that led to the milestone Mosjøen induction furnace in 2021. A decarbonization project that breathes new life into post-industrial aluminum and displaces emissions from 1,000 fossil-fuel burning cars annually.

Our Super Trainees

Our trainee Niklas Anwari in Rhein-Zeitung magazine

Niklas Anwari is 23 years old and is undergoing training as a management assistant for office communication at MMG Aluminium AG in Mayen. He is particularly enthusiastic about the internationality of the company, which has preserved the charm of a family-owned business within the team. Both super trainees are excited about the further training opportunities in their professions and are already curious about how their careers will develop. Read the entire article here.

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